Studying biofilms in real time


Our group has developed the Real Time Cell Analysis (RTCA) xCELLigence system for the study of single-species and multi-species biofilm growth in real time. This multiple-well system, with gold electrodes at the bottom, detects the impedance to the passage of current between the electrodes, which is translated in real time into measurements of biofilm growth. The impedance measurements combine both cellular growth and matrix production, representing a measurement of total biofilm mass. The range of applications of the device could be summarized in:

1) Studies about the growth dynamics of biofilms.The system allows obtaining information on each of the biofilm formation stages throughout their development in real time. It collects the impedance data for the time we select and as often as desired.

Example: Study of the formation dynamics of the tongue, dental or gingival biofilms.

Development of an in vitro system to study oral biofilms in real time through impedance technology: validation and potential applications (


2) Search and study of anti-biofilm compounds. The device allows to stop the experiment at any point of the process, adding antimicrobial agents and continue the experiment.

Example: Effect of ficin as a disintegrating molecule of biofilms.

Effect of Dalbavancin on Staphylococcal Biofilms When Administered Alone or in Combination With Biofilm-Detaching Compounds (


3) Testing of prebiotics and probiotics on biofilms.The device allows to stop the experiment at any point of the process, adding biofilm-modulating agents and continue the experiment.

Example: Effect of nitrate as a prebiotic to improve oral health.

Nitrate as a potential prebiotic for the oral microbiome (


4) Select the most effective anti-biofilm treatment for personalized medicine. The 96-well plates of the device allow the testing of various substances, concentrations or conditions in the same experiment within a few hours.

Example: Antibiotic sensitivity tests on a strain isolated from a patient with biofilm infection.

Effect of antibiotics on biofilm inhibition and induction measured by real-time cell analysis - PubMed (



-For a protocol to use the system, see our Application note with ACEA:

xCELLigenceAppNoteBioFilmSept.pdf (


See our explanatory video:


If you are interested in testing your molecules in our biofilm model or against specific pathogens, please send you request to